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Spirituality blog, spirit, light body, 6th dimension, 6D, energy work

Transitioning into Light body | Higher Frequencies

6thdimension heartspace lightbody spiritual journey Jun 02, 2022

Earth is cleansing itself. The process is forecast to stretch an entire generation.

This is just the beginning.

Many of us are feeling the lower vibrational force fields moving through our bodies more than ever. Much more than humans can sanely manage. When we are unable to transcend the lower frequencies they manifest into damaging, destructive behaviours thus creating a lifeless reality.

Transitioning into our light bodies is a path for the Spiritually adept. Souls who have connected with their high selves know this well. It can be likened to monastic training - the road less traveled - a lifelong process that liberates human form from all things that cause disturbance in one's mind, body, spirit, and energy field.

When we commit to raising our state of consciousness it is here that we begin the process of transitioning into the light body.

A fully transitioned light body being will reside in the 6th dimensional plane of existence. It is here where ego has been dissolved, and feelings of fear and other low frequencies have been transmuted.

You can only access this plane when your heart has released its burdens - when you no longer play out repeating patterns and cycles that plague your body and mind. When you have released yourself from karmic ties.

Beings here are able to transmit the highest healing frequencies. They are the cordial network of the "I am" energy.

The envelope that this house is cased in is a devotion to purity. Purity of all houses your soul resides.

Transitioning to your light body allows you to see and feel your God-given gifts. Ones that a three-dimensional plane only portrays on screen. 

A deep willingness and a strong guide who works with the heart can help with this desire (if that's what your soul calls for).


Are you tired of feeling weighed down? What would it mean for you to finally release the stagnation and embrace a lighter, more vibrant life?

A 1:1 Channeled session offers an incredible opportunity to experience deep healing while profound messages stream through for you. Tiffany and Maitreya get to the root cause of your problems leaving you relieved and energetically clear.

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